Click on the button above and submit a short video recording to express your interest in becoming an Ashati Teacher.

This can be short and casual, so please do not worry about making it perfect. We also find that this can be a wonderful opportunity for you to reflect on your own Ashati journey, in your own words and for us to learn more about how we can best help you.

Teacher applications are currently only open to people who are fluent at speaking and reading English. This is because the teacher training, workshop manuals, practice templates, teacher meetings, program updates and other communication and requirements are all covered in English, and it is important that all these elements are properly understood and communicated to ensure the accuracy of training worldwide.

Once a teacher is registered, they can then offer Ashati System courses in languages other than English and use the existing translated manuals for their students.
Energy Healing Meditation - Healing Hands

Ashati Institute Registered Teacher

This course will complement your Ashati journey and enable you to pass on energy activations to your friends and family or to clients as part of a professional practice. You will be provided with all you need to start a new and rewarding career in personal development and energy healing or to take your existing practice to a whole new level.

What You Receive

Structured course levels for beginner to advanced participants

Offer in-depth courses that span approximately 2 to 18 months

Issue course certificates from a recognised international organisation

Courses lead to the Advanced Certificate of Energy Healing

Recognised qualifications with major professional associations

Recognised qualifications with major insurance providers

Content that has been developed and refined over many years

All course content, structures and training is provided to you

Feature in an online directory with the courses you offer

Marketing documents and opportunities to promote your practice

Support is offered in the set‑up and development of your practice

Join support groups with teachers from worldwide locations


An Ashati Institute Registered Teacher is authorised to independently offer Ashati System levels (also called courses) that they are qualified for (subject to application), as part of their own practice, and with the relevant registration fees payable to the Ashati Institute.

Registration Levels Levels Authorised to Offer
Ashati Teacher Ashati 1-3
(can offer individual levels only – cannot offer programs)
Ashati Teacher +
Ascension Teacher
Ashati 1-3, Ascension 1-5, Higher Senses, Soul Rescue
(can offer individual levels only – cannot offer programs)
Ashati Teacher +
Ascension Teacher +
Alsemia Teacher
Ashati 1-3, Ascension 1-5, Higher Senses, Soul Rescue, Alsemia 1-13
(can offer individual levels only – cannot offer programs)
Ashati Teacher +
Ascension Teacher +
Alsemia Teacher +
Program Teacher
Ashati 1-3, Ascension 1-5, Higher Senses, Soul Rescue, Alsemia 1-13
(can offer individual levels and the set Ashati System programs)


An Ashati Institute Registered Teacher is authorised to independently offer the below services (in-person and over distance) and subject to the levels that they are authorised to offer under their teacher registration.

Activation Healings
One-one-one healing sessions with an energy activation (the course content being mostly self-taught using the online manuals / videos). The recipient will then benefit from the energy activations as well as healings from a practitioner / teacher, while also being able to do regular self-healings at home between sessions.

Group energy healing classes for students to meet and practice.

Individual Levels
Group or one-on-one courses offered as separate individual levels.

Group or one-on-one courses offered as multiple individual levels combined into official set programs. This is only available for the "Program Teacher" registration level.

Still Deciding?

Here are a few points that may help with deciding whether to embark on the teacher training journey.

Feeling Ready
It is normal to feel unprepared or not ready when considering the idea of teaching or passing on the energy activations to others. Most new things in life will feel daunting as they are unfamiliar territory, and they tend to take you out of your comfort zone. Almost all teachers feel this way when they first start. It is often best to trust your own intuition with these types of feelings and not just be guided by fear. A path that presents a combination of nervous and excited energy is often an indication that it is at least worth exploring. Also, it is likely that feeling ready will not happen until you get started and allow the energies to flow. There are no obligations when taking this path, so you can simply start and see where this journey takes you. This may open a whole new direction in life, or it may just be a stepping stone to something else. We always encourage people to trust their intuition.

Once the teacher training is complete, it is normal to lack confidence before you start teaching. In most cases, confidence will only develop once you actually start teaching and see the progression and feedback from students. It is also normal to make mistakes at first and learn from your earlier experiences. If you are asked a question that you do not know the answer to, simply reply with “I will get back to you” and contact the teacher community or teacher support forum for a suggested answer. No teacher is expected to have all the answers, and this shows that you care about the accuracy of your teaching. It is important to remain positive and remind yourself that great things are only achieved with time and that all great teachers started the same way.

Energetic Abilities
Different teachers will have different personal energetic strengths and weaknesses. For example, one teacher may have a natural ability to feel energy while another will have better clairvoyance, or clairaudience, etc. It is important to remember that your role as a teacher is not to showcase your own skills or explain your own limitations, but instead to empower students to discover their own personal set of skills.

Energy Activations
Most new teachers will feel nervous about performing energy activations as they feel that they themselves will be providing the energies. In reality, the teacher is simply a vessel or channel for this energetic process to unfold. Their higher self, the Ashati guides and the recipient’s higher-self will also navigate this process. The teacher simply has to follow the energy activation steps which are covered in the teacher training. There is also a much simpler intention based energy activation procedure for the higher teacher levels, once a teacher has completed the Alsemia 13 course for themselves and registered for the Alsemia Teaching level.

When to Start
You can start the teacher training at any point after Ashati 3. It can be beneficial to start the teacher training earlier on in your own personal journey, rather than waiting to complete the entire Ashati System, as the heavier content of the earlier levels will be fresher in your mind and then you can simply continue to the content of the higher teacher levels later on when you reach those relevant levels.

Ultimately the main benefits of becoming an Ashati teacher are that you will be joining a worldwide community of teachers who are there to support you and to ensure that you don’t feel alone; and being able to offer established courses with detailed workshop manuals and established connections with international professional associations and insurance providers. All this can be achieved at your own pace, on a casual basis or as part of a full-time practice, with one-on-one sessions or group workshops and offered in-person or over distance. Teachers are able to offer courses in the format that they feel guided to. Taking the path of a teacher can be an evolutionary journey that brings much fulfillment into your life. We are here if you feel guided to explore this.

Application Process

1. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST - SHORT VIDEO RECORDING (when you have completed all the courses for the relevant registration level that you wish to apply for).
2. If places are available, you will then receive the Ashati Institute Registered Teacher agreement with instructions on how to submit an application.
3. Successful applicants will gain access to the relevant teacher course which involves training through recording videos and receiving feedback. This course will need to be completed prior to being registered and prior to offering or teaching the relevant Ashati System courses.
All Ashati related content, products and services are subject to international copyright and trademarks held by the Ashati Institute.
All registration applications are subject to approval.


This opportunity was designed to empower those who feel guided to work with the Ashati System’s energies and teachings, while protecting their livelihood with the legal safeguards of copyright and registered trademarks, as well as ensuring the integrity and consistency of the Ashati content worldwide.

It also provides registered teachers with the opportunity to focus on what they do best: delivering powerful energy activations, healings, meditations, training, guidance and assistance to their students, who will embark on a journey of energetic discovery and transformation.

Registered teachers can offer the Ashati levels that they are qualified and authorised to teach in a delivery format and pricing structure that best suits them and their targeted clientele.

The energy activations can even simply be offered as an ‘add-on’ service to a standard healing appointment (focusing on ‘healing’ work rather than ‘teaching’), enabling your clients to continue and expand their own personal development and healing work beyond their appointments with you. They can simply go through the online content (manuals, videos, meditation tracks, etc.) at home before or after receiving their energy activations.

Ashati Circle

The Ashati Circle training is included in all teacher registration levels.

This training will enable you to organise and facilitate an Ashati Circle in your region. The Ashati Circle has been channelled, trialled and perfected over years, with extremely positive results and feedback from its participants. It is a great way for Ashati initiates to develop themselves personally, psychically and spiritually. The group energy and the opportunity to share feedback and learn from other participants are powerful and essential tools to fast-track one’s development.

Working with a group energy during a circle is an amazing experience that really amplifies the benefits, the connection and the sensations in any energy work or meditation. This experience is something quite special that you and your students will most definitely enjoy.

This is a great opportunity to receive in-depth training to start your own successful personal and spiritual development circle. The Ashati Circle can be organised on its own or as a complement to your teaching practice, offering your clients even more powerful ways to transform themselves and their life.

As part of this training, you will be given powerful meditation scripts and activity description sheets to guide your participants through empowering and inspiring inner journeys and to help them take their natural abilities and acquired skills to new levels. These include healing the shadow side (repressed emotions, thoughts and belief), healing the heart, past-life re-connection and healing, connecting with your spirit guides, receiving more changes and activations from the Ashati guides, etc. These fun sessions are a great way to meet like-minded people and to enable your clients to stay in touch and practice their new skills.

Only Ashati Institute Registered Teachers (listed on the official Ashati Network Member Directory) are authorised to organise Ashati Circles and to use the copyright protected meditation scripts and activity sheets.

Energy Activation: As an Ashati Circle facilitator, you will be able to receive a special energy activation that will develop your energetic connection with the Ashati guides. Unlike the other energy activations offered within the Ashati System, this one is directly received from and organised with the Ashati guides. You can receive this energy activation once only, at the time of your choosing (instructions in the manual).

The Ashati Direction

It is important to briefly explain the direction of the Ashati Institute (which of course could change). This may help to explain why we have a registration fee structure in place and what we hope to do with these funds. Ashati is regulated and managed by a centralised body to ensure it maintains its integrity and continues to evolve at a high standard through time. We are being guided towards a model where, one day, most courses will only be offered by teachers directly as part of their own practices and the Ashati Institute would manage content, refer students, build online infrastructure, develop a publishing house (which we have already started), develop new video content, develop the Ashati foundation (charitable projects that we have already started), etc. The transition to this will come in many layers and over a few years.


Each level offered by the Ashati Institute is designed for people wishing to embark and progressively advance on an amazing and profoundly transformative journey. However, these levels also provide comprehensive training in energy healing (incl. Ashati and Reiki), whether this is for personal development, to help your children, friends and relatives, or to set up a successful professional practice.

The cost of your modules may be tax deductible if you choose to work professionally.

The following minimum levels are required to obtain professional qualifications. Higher levels will provide additional and more advanced skills and energies.
Ashati 2: Ashati Practitioner
Alsemia 2: Alsemia Practitioner
Reiki 2: Reiki Practitioner
Higher Senses: Psychic / Intuitive
Teacher Training: Ashati Institute Registered Teacher
Reiki 3: Reiki Teacher
Alsemia 12: Subconscious Exploration™
Alsemia 13: Alsemia Group Healings and Group Subconscious Exploration™

The generic qualification of "Energy Healing Practitioner" and "Energy Healing Teacher" can also be used.

Visit Qualifications for more details of the services you can offer.

Recognised by Industry Associations

If you wish to work as an energy healing practitioner or teacher, joining a professional association will help you set higher standards of professionalism and ethics. It will also show potential clients that you have received adequate training and that you are following an appropriate Code of Conduct.

Membership with the Energy Therapies Association Includes:
• 1 year FREE membership (after completion of Ashati 2)
• FREE “Professional Practice” manual
• Membership certificate
• Code of Conduct
• Use of the Energy Therapies Association’s logos for marketing
• Recommended professional insurance policies for a list of countries
Energy Therapies Association Includes Membership for Reiki Practitioners and Reiki Master Teachers
This program is recognised by the:
Energy Therapies Association

Most modules are also recognised by other professional associations worldwide, including the IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) and the IARP (International Association of Reiki Professionals).
Energy Healing Meditation - Support


Connect and interact after each level for guidance and support.

 Email - Free
Support and guidance.

 Community - Free
Ashati Facebook Group - Share experiences & exchange healings / messages.